When being a real estate consultant Isn't enough with Jens Nielson

Feb 22, 2023

Faisal: Part of the Coaching Mastery Community, just building that, working with amazing leaders, trying to understand how to move something forward, that in itself is priceless to me. Yes, we need resources, we need the money to move the message forward and all that stuff, but.

Their bagger and stuff. I wouldn't have the kind of skillsets that I have without the communities I'm a part of without the people that I've been collaborating with, I wouldn't have the confidence that I have. I wouldn't have the ability to think about things in so many different ways had I not collaborated with different people.

And so for me, it's incredibly exciting to bring in more and more coaches and trainers and influencers into the fold so we can work together to move it forward versus, Hey, I'm gonna build this thing on my own and screw the rest, they can figure out their own way. And it also goes back, so for me, it was when I was in the beginning stages of the coaching like I was looking for stuff like that.

But there were very few coaches who were even willing to talk to you about these things. Like if they were a little bit ahead, they will say one or two things. Oh, this will help you. But they were very distant in the sense that, oh, I'm in a different place than you are versus, Hey, how can we work together?

That would've been a game-changer for me. Had I seen how more experienced coaches do certain things and I wasn't expecting them to do anything for free or anything, but there was not that mindset of hey, I was there too. Let's see if we can help these coaches move up together.

And it goes back to what Jens was talking about, pay it forward. So I also wanna transition. I wanted to since you have been part of the real estate world and now you're in the coaching world, how have you leveraged getting a consistent flow of clients? And I know you might have a few too many clients, like as you're saying, that you're working with real estate investors, how have you managed to attract these clients? But also you've kind of created these packages that combine with your consultant work, which is I think great. How have you managed to do that on a consistent basis? 

Jens: Yeah. I don't even have a coaching website. 

Faisal: you don’t, that's amazing!

Jens: Yeah, and I know that people struggle with, getting clients and everything else. I think the way I did a very grass rooty. That's the word here. I would connect with people on various real estate forums, various events, and everything else, and I would just truly choose just to connect with people through, there's, you know, a bunch of different websites out there you can connect and I would say, hey, Sounds cool.

Why don't we get on a call? Right? Why don't we talk? So I had various reasons for that. I wanted to see, hey, maybe this person can become a partner, maybe an investor, and then as I started transitioning into the coaching, maybe they can become a coaching client, right? And as my quote-unquote credibility in real estate started growing through doing more deals and being on a lot of different podcasts and everything else.

You know, I was able to kind of get my message out there and that connected with people and said, well, I've actually done it right because people wanna. You know, they want to get into real estate and they wanna find somebody that they can connect with who has actually done it. That's not just selling, you know, a course and they may not even have the experience.

I came from an authentic place of having done it, and I just connected with people one-on-one through, you know, let's get on a call. I've had probably hundreds of kind of quote-unquote free calls where I would just say, what's going on? How can I help you? Some people just wanted advice and say, well, here are some ideas.

I was like, well, that sounds cool. How can we create a more, what do you call it, consistent relationship as well? I do the consulting, I do the coaching. Why don't we connect on that? So really that's just been through that very grassrooty thing and then through going, you know, speaking at podcasts and going to events, you know, I was at a mastermind a month ago and I think, you know, one or two clients from that.

Just really being authentic about what it is I want to do and how I'm offering that. And they see what I've done and they feel attracted to that. I think that's my credibility in that. There's a second part to your question, and I forget what that was. 

Faisal: see if I remember asking. So it was around how have you leveraged the real estate world. Do I have to remember my own questions? Yeah. You're supposed to be listening. Not me. 

Sherry, do you remember? 

Sherry: I feel like this is a total bloopers moment because there are three coaches who should have listening skills and none of us to remember.

The second part of the question is, see you can be perfectly imperfect guys. It's totally okay. 

Faisal: Yes. This is a good example of coaches who still need to work on listening. I love the fact that, so I don't know about the last question, but brought up another question. 

maybe that's what it was. I'll pretend that's what it was.

So the part about credibility is really important. and one of the things that I've seen for some reason, so I didn't have that experience because when I went into engineering, I was there for a couple of years. I didn't have a lot of connections established for me to go back to that, and I actually wanted to move away from that.

So that was different. But then I've also seen coaches who've had lifelong careers, but they won't leverage that. How did you, how did you kind of connect the two as you were on these podcasts, as you were speaking about this stuff? How did you manage to do that and was there a hesitation for you?

Jens: Now I remember the second part of the question, somebody does, right? You were asking, how do I combine the coaching with the consulting piece? I think that

Faisal: yeah, so see that's what it was, 

Sherry: we were just testing you to make sure you were listening. 

Jens: Yeah, so the Leveraging my prior career, you know, IT into real estate.

I think really where the systems and the logical approach to doing things really make sense, right? I think that's what I attract people to. And so we wanna talk about the consulting side that I still do, I do the coaching, I do the high-performance coaching, but then I add the consulting piece as well.

It's like, okay, you wanna do your deal? Here are the five things you should do. Right? This has become more like, here's the recipe for how you wanna do it for a deal, for example. And I think the way I have attracted people is I'm a very logical guy, as you know faisal I can, I can see the steps that need to be taken and I can.

Explain and help people see that path too. I said, well, you know, here are the first five things you should do. You know, once those things are done, then here are the next five things after that, that type of thing. Right. And that really comes from my IT career cuz I used to, you know, implement very complex systems that had 500 steps to get it done.

So I was used to thinking through that process and now I can use that in my real estate career to create systems for operating these deals and closing them. And as I connect that with my clients, like, oh, there's actually a logical progression for how we do these things, right? So as they overcome their limiting beliefs through the coaching, then they also see, well, here's the path you can take to actually get this. I think that attracts a lot of people, that it combines those two. So I've been pretty successful in selling kind of a packet that includes both and that's something that I'm really continuing to do in that space. 

Sherry: So can I ask for a little bit more specificity around that?

So when you're talking with somebody or working with an investor and you're like, okay, I just gave you the five steps. Go do them. Next week we're gonna talk about your mindset. Or you know, do you have them separated out or do you, you know, are you working with somebody?

You're like, whoa, whoa, whoa, time out. I recognize a limiting belief. Let's, let's tackle that for a, like, how do you flow between the two of telling people what to do, but then helping them kind of that self-discovery. 

Jens: Yeah, and I think I really, I want to give Faisal some credit for that. Through our coaching together, you added some additional, more technical sessions in there, or bonus sessions as you will. And I started thinking, that's really helpful for me to grow my business, my coaching business from a technical standpoint. So that helped me. It's like, how can I adapt that to my own business? And I realize I always start with coaching. I always do.

You know, 3, 5, 6 sessions of coaching because I want to make sure they're in the right mindset. Yeah. It naturally gravitates towards real estate. I don't jump from coaching into consulting because it becomes confusing and you don't get enough time. So I really get to learn about the client. I learned what the client wants through the first two sessions that, okay, this is how we're gonna design the consulting piece of it. And then we jump into that and do a couple of sessions and then back to the coaching so that I feel serves the client the best. And I can still, you know, follow the high-performance curriculum and everything and then, you know, add these additional sessions to it. Now I had one client, for example, right now, I started with them this summer and it's like 18 sessions that we kind of committed to, and they wanted to like bounce back and forth, but then they moved and somebody got sick and somebody got a new job.

I was like, well, you guys don't have time to do real estate right now. Let's continue the high performance. Make sure you get all that stuff sorted out. you have the right mindset, and then when some of your personal stuff calms down a little bit, then we'll jump back into the real estate side of things.

Right. So I just have a lot of, I keep a lot of flexibility in that, but I try to keep them, each session focused on what that session should be. 

Faisal: I love the fact that you can leverage coaching, because one of the things in the real estate world is most people won't start and kind of go full force into it, and, oh, I have my first deal.

It's like a lot of them, they go through this kind of fad they're learning for a while, and then they try a couple of things, and something doesn't work out. Then they go back, they have some responsibilities come up, and all that requires coaching for them to keep on track. On the tours, their vision, and if they're not clear about the bigger picture, they keep going again from one thing to the next thing to the next thing, versus, Hey, I'm gonna get to that.

I know I see the bigger picture but I need to deal with all this, right now. I'm not gonna lose sight of the bigger picture and as a coach I can be there to, help keep them accountable, but also more importantly, to help them keep aligned with the vision and help them deal with the challenges around how they're looking at their life, their relationships, and so many other aspects of their life that they might not have support.

 And they might be actually hard on themselves because they're like, well, how come I'm not moving this deal forward? How come all these other people are doing it? But your life is not the same as all these other people and none of us have that experience. So I think you're serving like, I love the real estate investor community and I equate them to be very similar to influencers and coaches because a lot of them have gone through a full career and they've come to a point they.

Oh, I see a dead stop here. this is not gonna take me further. And coaches think in very similar ways that one of the reasons why they came into this world is that they've had enough of whatever they got, they wanted to create a different life. And like I said, they're naturally motivated, intrinsically motivated to move forward, which is such so you are serving such an important part of the world cuz a lot of these guys are gonna become entrepreneurs who are gonna hire people, collaborate with, build so many amazing things.

So I love that. So what about, you mentioned the pay-it-forward event, and I love that. Cause I know that came from your experience when you look at your coaching path and you mentioned that you're connecting that with that to some degree. But how do you see yourself really incorporating that into the Pay It Forward Mastermind type of events like that?

Jens: The coaching? Yeah. I mean, I think this really comes from this idea that I could not have achieved, you know, my quote-unquote success in real estate had I not had mentors and partners and coaches that helped me, pushed me, pulled me along the way. So that's really what that idea of that pay-it-forward came from.

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