Exploring Commitment Phobia in Coaching

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Unlocking Commitment: A Journey Every Coach Must Take

Dear fellow coaches,

I trust this message finds you well and thriving in your coaching journey. Today, I'm excited to share some insights from our latest podcast episode—a conversation that delved deep into a topic that's often overlooked but profoundly impactful: commitment.

The Commitment Conundrum

As a coach, have you ever considered whether you may be commitment-phobic? Delving into this topic, we can uncover the subtle ways in which it can manifest in our professional lives. By acknowledging and addressing these tendencies, you can work towards overcoming them and achieving your professional goals.

Personal Reflections: Unpacking Commitment Phobia

We shared personal stories and reflections on how commitment phobia can subtly infiltrate our coaching businesses. From hesitating to take decisive actions to allow fear of failure to hold us back, there are myriad ways in which we might be avoiding full commitment to our coaching paths.

Aligning Aspirations with Actions

One of the key takeaways was the importance of aligning our actions with our aspirations. It's not just about saying we want to build successful coaching businesses; it's about demonstrating that commitment through our everyday choices and behaviors.

Opportunity Cost: A Balancing Act

We also explored the concept of opportunity cost and how it can influence our commitment levels. Fear of missing out on other opportunities or uncertainties about the future can sometimes cloud our judgment and prevent us from fully investing in our coaching endeavors.

Recognizing and Overcoming Barriers

But here's the thing: recognizing our commitment phobias is the first step toward overcoming them. By acknowledging the patterns and thought processes that might be holding us back, we can start to make conscious choices that align with our true goals and aspirations.

Embracing the Journey

So, dear coaches, I invite you to tune in to our latest episode and join us on this journey of self-discovery and growth. You might just uncover insights that revolutionize your approach to coaching and propel you toward the success you've always dreamed of.

Closing Thoughts

Here's to embracing commitment and stepping boldly into the future of our coaching practices! Together, let's navigate the twists and turns of our commitment journeys, emerging stronger and more resilient on the other side.

The Coaches Journey Podcast



You're listening to the coach's journey podcast, exposing the struggles and celebrating the successes in the life of coaches who are action takers and creating authentic impact in today's world, whether you're just starting out, expanding your reach or exploding your impact, you're in the right place right now, stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to this podcast.

Now, here are your hosts of

the coach's journey podcast.

What's up coaches nation. This is another episode of the coaches journey podcast. I am Dr. Sheri Fluellen. I am one of the co hosts and we are here both with Faisal Ensaun and Daniel Fernandes with the coaching mastery community. We are professional coaches and we are here to have a conversation to change your life as a coach.

And today we have a really interesting conversation.

If somebody were to ask you, Hey, as a coach, In your coaching business, are you commitment phobic? [00:01:00] You know, I don't know that I ever would have raised my hand. Just ask that question, but actually we meet a lot of coaches and we've been those coaches that may actually be or have been commitment phobic.

So we're going to unpack that for you on why this matters to you so much and why it's holding you back in your business from creating the business that you intended to create when you became

a coach. And if right now you're thinking, I'm not commitment phobic as a coach, well, that's exactly the person who might need to listen today.

Cause there's lots of different kinds of commitment phobias, and like, we all have different places in our lives and different times in our lives. And so, this is going to be such an interesting conversation. I'm super curious to hear from both of you, actually, on Your journey is around commitment too.

So this is gonna be a fun conversation.

Yeah, lots of stories around this to share. I know that I was commitment phobic now that I think about it. I never recognized it, but but now I know I would have never

called myself that. But now I'm looking back. I'm like, yep, that was [00:02:00] definitely that. Absolutely.

So what are we talking about when we say commitment phobic?

As it relates to your coaching business, let's kind of create a shared definition. So we're all on the same page about what we're actually talking about.

It's kind of hard to define in a way because there's different like contexts that it can occur in. But I can go ahead. Go ahead.

So I'll put it this way, somebody, a coach who's saying that I want to build a coaching profession or business, but their actions are not corroborating that claim.

Which is different

from someone who says that and is doing all the wrong things. That's not the same as what we're talking about.

It's like your actions demonstrate that you're not as committed as you say you are.

Yeah, and we'll talk about this the actions what they might be that are like you could be taking a lot of actions that Might not be the right actions.

That's fine That that's a learning [00:03:00] journey But there are a lot of coaches who say that well i'm a coach but they've been certified for two years three years five years or They claim that they've been a coach for that long, but they have no actions to back it up

Can I do an example for my personal life that is sort of related but it'll give us a little metaphor here like When it comes to, like, my love life, back in the days before I was married, I, I know this is weird, but it's true, like, I, I was commitment phobic, but I had no idea, because, like, I wrote down, like, I want a relationship, I want to get married, I want to have kids one day, I wrote that in my vision, but then when the rubber met the road, and I was meeting women that I, you know, wanted to go on dates with, as things got a little bit more, more serious, I got, like, a little bit scared, I'm And I didn't realize that that was what was happening.

I would hold, I would resist. I would push back. I would not want to go down that road. And a lot of the people I dated eventually were affected by that. And like, I basically like, could not take it to the next level of commitment in my relationships because I was afraid of what that would mean for me. I think subconsciously deep down, I was [00:04:00] like, well, if I did that, if I really committed to this and I didn't hold back, then I would lose freedom or then, you know, then I would lose this.

And I was focused on like when I was losing, though, I knew what I really wanted was like that amazing relationship where I could have a fellow family one day and like. This happened over and over and over again with different people and like I had to face it eventually And it was even with my wife today I struggle with commitment the whole first like part of the relationship because I like I would I Resisted saying I love her when I actually did I resisted like making decisions that would move the relationship forward When I actually wanted it to move forward deeper inside if I at that level of like truth that what I really ultimately wanted I was letting things that I Wanted in the moment or in short term or in other areas of my life really dictate what I want in this area of life, which was super important to me, but I just wasn't giving it the importance that it really deserves.

If I was really honest, like the, probably the most important thing in my life was building that family longterm. And I [00:05:00] was letting other things that were not important. Like, make me resist that, like, oh, well, I don't want to move to Chicago to be with her because they don't have to give up this thing and that thing and this thing.

But were you, were

you aware, was this all subconscious or were you aware of it?

A lot of it was subconscious. It kind of came to the forefront through conversations with, like, I had a therapist at the time and I had coaches I was talking to and it was, It was complicated. It was super complicated and it was so subtle.

It was so subtle until I made And making the decis I had to come to make the decision to commit and make a choice.

And the thing that changed for me was realizing this is like one of the most important things in my life. Why am I not making decisions that reflect my most important priorities? And like Like, that was so hard.

And that's, I think there's the truth of that in my coaching career too. But like, that was like a super obvious example of commitment phobia that I didn't know I had. Yeah.

So I would, when I look at my own life and I'm thinking about Brendan Burchard. So all three of us just happen to [00:06:00] be high performance coaches.

And Brendan has a framework for, around fears. That there's kind of three categories. of fear that get in the way of us moving forward. And so I think using that as a framework in which to think about this could be super helpful. And when one of the things that I've noticed in my own life around my coaching, I would not at all call myself as a phobic around, around commitment.

However do I, have I had fear around fully committing? To coaching because of perceived opportunity loss that I would have in other areas of my life and other career opportunities or other money generating opportunities. Absolutely, yes, and so that's 1 of the things that I have struggled with and I see in some other coaches is this challenge of, but if I fully invest all my time and energy into into a coaching practice, [00:07:00] what if and then what if.

And then what if, like all these what ifs, but what if it doesn't? And it's, of course, it's always the what ifs that are not pleasing. Like, what if I don't make. What I think I could or, or I'm not as good as I think I am, or I, you know, all of these things and then I think, but if I had done this and stuck on this path or put more time and energy into this thing, then I could have done more or better.

So, it's this challenge between perceived opportunity costs. That's for me. That's 1 of the, I would say, 1 of the biggest fears that has gone into this idea of delaying my kind of being all in on coaching.

Sheri, can I ask about that? Do you think that that phenomenon, like I have experienced that too, but do you think that that phenomenon affects how you show up in your coaching business?

Yeah, absolutely. I, there have been times where opportunities have presented themselves and I am not. [00:08:00] Like I don't jump on it as quickly and with as much energy and enthusiasm as if, if I wasn't distracted. So it's kind of like the meme, kind of like the meme that went around a whole lot of like, there's this guy and this girl, they're walking on the.

They're walking on a sidewalk. Yes. And there's this hot girl that walked by and you see her, and then you see the guy turning around looking, and then you see the girl, his girlfriend, presumably she's like giving him a dirty look. That's what it kind of feels like

like your girlfriend is the coaching career and the other girl is like the other distraction thing

It's like, I'm not fully committed to what's next to me.

I'm not like all in on this, you know, with, you know, and just super focused on this. I'm kind of, my peripheral vision is searching and, and kind of get, you know, and so, so that's how I view is like my energy and my time and my abilities, my skillset, my network, all of these things are so scattered. [00:09:00] And the more scattered they are, the less effective I possibly can be.

In what I'm doing with my coaching business.

Just, just some credit to men with their committed relationship. When there's somebody walking by you, if I'm committed, I've learned to just look straight ahead, but I will, it will catch my eye. I'll be like, and the first thing I, my wife is very aware of these things and she tends to get jealous, so she'll be standing with me.

Before I even noticed anything, he's like, did you notice that person? And this is what I do, who, where,

why are you looking? I'm like, you know, watching this podcast right now, you'll be totally busted.

Oh, I did that same thing. So I I'm working on my jealousy. I'm not near where I used to be, but at my height, like we'd be in a movie theater, my husband would be sitting next to me and there would be like some sort of, even just.

The, you know, a mildly intimate scene of like kissing or not, but [00:10:00] I'd be like side looking at him like,

I'm not allowed to look at those things just so you know. But I

just, I just want to say like, this is, this is because there's, there's like a part of life you go through where you need to pay attention to those things, right?

If you're going through adolescence or adulthood and you're trying to build a relationship or you know that you have that desire, you're going to be noticing people of the gender that you're attracted to, right? It's normal. It's not just men, it's everybody and what you're doing. You're paying attention to what you need in your life, but a lot of times those conditioning, like I, so my struggle with this has been, and this is totally real, it's, it's, well, it's relevant, I promise we'll get there but like I've conditioned myself to look for the thing I want, so when I was dating a lot, I was looking for women that I found attractive and interesting and fascinating and et cetera, et cetera, but then once you're in a committed relationship, those neural pathways have been formed because I spent a lot of time investing into that area of my life.

Okay. Even though it was commitment phobic, and now it's harder for me to, like, form new pathways, and I've been doing that with my current relationship I've been in for ten years we just [00:11:00] celebrated. And I've been reconditioning a new pathway. That doesn't unpickle the old pathways, you know, like, It's, they're still there, and they're still firing, and it's okay to acknowledge that you have those parts of your brain that are doing that thing, but my intention And my, you know, best self is one who focuses my attention on the new pathways, not the old pathways.

And it's okay to say like, oh, that thing, I noticed that, that, that person, but that's not what I'm interested in right now. My intention is over here. And that's totally fine. I think we can be understanding of humans for having these neural pathways form because they were useful at one point. Just like with your clients, right?

They have old pathways. You're helping them. Just us as coaches. We have old pathways and we moved to the coaching industry. There's all these new pathways that need to form and the old pathways are holding us back and holding us back from commitment because like, it's, it's so it's, it's like almost the same thing.

It's like, you're dating your business. You should get married to your business. Right? There

you go. Don't date your business. Don't date your business. Yes.

Which is different from niches. You can totally date niches until you figure out what your niches are.

We just lost a bunch of coaches who [00:12:00] are commitment phobic around marriage.

It's like, what? Now you're connecting that to marriage for me?

Well, there's a good analogy, right? There is a good analogy.

So for, for me I'd say it showed up a little bit differently. It was very interesting. I still remember, and I, I've shared this before. The moment I, it was actually a couple of years into my business when somebody close to me, a close person in my family who basically told me was like, why are you in this business?

You're not making money. You're not getting anything in, in a very negative way. And it was actually very hurtful to me. And I remember sitting down there and thinking about this, and I looked at the past couple of years, like, I'm not making that much money. He's right about that. Why am I in this?

What am I doing here? And as I thought about this, as I Felt that the statement that came to mind that really defined the success for my business, and I actually shared it. That was like, you know what? This is more. This is really important to me, not [00:13:00] just for right now, but I don't care if it takes me 3 years or 10 years to figure this out.

I'm going to figure this out. And to me, it, it, it signals commitment for me as soon as I realized it. And from a long term perspective, I was like, okay, am I actually dedicating my time and effort for it to be that kind of success in 10 years? And thankfully, that kind of woke me up in a sense. And I started to do things differently.

And I started to look at my past two years and I was looking at it and it was like, it looks like I'm doing a lot of stuff, but then I was trying different things, but one a lot of what I was doing. I didn't know if that was going to pay off, so I needed to get help in there. Second there were certain areas I knew that I wasn't going towards.

I was scared off. And I became aware of it as I started thinking, I'm like, I need to deal with that. If I'm going to make this a long term thing, it cannot be the way I've been approaching it. So that that click needed to happen for me to understand that. And my and here's the thing [00:14:00] that shifted. My actions were very different before and after.

Yeah. That realization very, very different. Something

I love that you just said Faisal, it's a question all of the coaches watching should be asking, which is like, how long am I in this game for? Yes. Is this a six month thing? Is this a year thing? Or is this a decade thing? Right? And that, that changes how you show up, I think.


it absolutely does. I, I very much think about it. The more that I'm in this, I think about it like my real estate investing, that if I go, there are some investments that are intended to be short term and that's fine. But you go into those understanding it's a short turnaround. Your ROI is going to, it's got to be quick and you're going to get your capital back and you're going to do, you know, whatever.

But most of my investing is a long, is longterm and it has served us well so far and it's going to continue to serve us well. So why Why would I think about being a coach and building that business [00:15:00] as any different? I mean, I think there are some differences, which we don't need a deep dive into, but I think the overall mindset of if this is something worth doing, then it's going to take a while to build traction.

It's going to take a while and it's, it's worth my energy. If I'm going to be in this long term, this is a long term investment of my time and energy and my money. Then that I need to use that lens on how I evaluate what I'm doing and that for me, the more that I realize that frame and focus on that, it makes all the difference.

And I see Daniel

laughing. Oh my gosh, Carrie. Like I'm starting to think about like, like long term commitment. If you talk about like relationships, I'm thinking of like real estate investments that I've done. And like. When I bought my first house, I bought it thinking like, Oh, I'm just going to buy this house.

This is gonna make me money. I'm just gonna like make it work. But like 10 years later, like the disasters that I created in my life, cause I wasn't truly committed to managing an investment sophisticated. Like I was just like, Oh, this will [00:16:00] happen in the background. And I don't want to spend any time on it.

It'll be so easy. Oh my gosh, with, with tenants and repairs and like getting like they took me to the housing board for something that my property manager did and getting money stolen from me. You know, like there's so many like things that happened that I, I just wasn't committed enough to like prevent those things.

Cause I not only didn't know what to do, but I didn't know how much time I should be putting into this. And I thought it was going to be super easy. Just like when I got in relationships, it was like after about a year and a half. Things like a year and a year and a half, that was the, the, the timeframe that like I started, I would almost have a breakup at some point it would like not be working for me or for them.

And like, even if it's for me it's like it's the reason is I wasn't ready to take it to the next level of what is necessary to get what I wanted out of the thing that I quote committed to right it's like that real estate investment that I made. That house, man, I was so happy. I was so happy today. I bought it, but not happy because I was committed.

I was so happy today. I sold it because [00:17:00] I knew what it meant to be committed to an investment now.

It's a mismatch between your expectations on what the vehicle is, is, is intended to do and what you need to do to it. And I think that is absolutely applicable in our coaching business. Do we, what are our expectations? I came into as a coach, I had an expectation that. Okay. This is going to be pretty easy.

Like I'm a psychologist. I've been doing working with clients for over a decade already before I even went into the coaching world. And I grew a business. I did all these things. So I'm like, of course this will be easy. And then it wasn't. How hard can it be? Because there's some very significant differences but largely around my need to, or my, the necessity of me going out there and creating clients rather than them just coming to me, like that just didn't happen.

And so for all of these many, many reasons, this wasn't a passive investment, like I thought, like [00:18:00] in the, in the language of real estate, this is a very inactive investment of my time and energy and all of that. And so when I realized that, and as I'm realizing how much energy and time to create the thing I want.

Yeah, that's that's that's necessary in order for that to happen. What are your thoughts?

Yeah, I want to also and I love everything that's being shared. I want to make it specific to action. So I have a client right now, speaking of real estate investors, he's actually considering going into the coaching world.

He's been asking me a lot of questions around what I would do. And he's actually already thinking about it. Like, I want to join your coaching community and this and that. I'm like, I went, I actually got him to pause and I went and I got him to think about his long term that this is not going to be a one day, two day thing or a few months thing.

I laid out exactly what he needed to do. And I've had a couple of sessions with them to help him kind of come up with a plan if he wants to do it. And I still haven't scared him off because I can tell he's he's committed. So I'm also testing him in the process. Are you really? I'm [00:19:00] putting everything in front of him to see is it like whether or not Is he scared of the work?

Is he scared of this? It's like he's not like he's open in terms of investing his money. I'm like, you're going to have to invest anywhere from 16 to 20 K just to get yourself started. And, and then you're going to have to dedicate about 10 to 15 hours of your time. That's a huge thing. He's a real estate investor.

He has a couple of businesses. He has so much going on. I'm like, You're gonna have to dedicate that time week after week to be able to do this and learn the process and he can be a really good coach. I can tell that. But like, your potential is different from the time that you put in to actually reach out to people, work with people, connect with people, go take them through the process, get feedback.

That is a very different process. And, and as I'm walking him through it and I'm helping him realize that you need to actually commit to this. So there are a few commitments in there. One commitment is the investment in business. The other commitment is understanding that this will take work. And I love that quote from Brandon Burchard is like, when you knock on the door of [00:20:00] opportunity don't be surprised that work answers.

Yeah. It takes work. It takes work. It works. It takes about 10 to 15 hours of doing the right work, not all sorts of work. Now, there are a lot of coaches who will do a lot of stuff, but the things that they do don't translate towards clients. So 10 to 15 hours of work, which means that a big part of that is dedicated towards outreach, connecting with.

clients and actually get them on calls, filling up your calendar and making offers. And then a small portion of that is dedicated towards putting yourself out there, your visibility. And, and the rest of the rest of the time is you're getting feedback for your process. You're connecting with other coaches, understanding how they're doing things differently.

If you don't have those things as a coach and you're kind of in your own little bubble and you're saying that I'm going to figure this out, you will. Probably four years down the road. Maybe that's probably the average 34 years down the road versus you could accelerate your path much faster [00:21:00] if you were part of an ecosystem that would give you feedback on your coaching process, your services that the quality for which is going to be really high for people to exchange money for it.

But also for you to understand what are the right actions because you have a limited amount of time. Most coaches that I know they're not not all their time is in there. They have a part of their time, they either have a job or they are doing this part time or even if they're doing this full time, they don't have unlimited amount of time.

They have 10, 15, 20 hours, something like that to dedicate to this. And there are coaches who work full time to this. And I do that now, but If you're not dedicating that time figuring out what are the right action steps and you can't look back in your week, in your month and say, you know what, I actually made consistent effort and I analyzed the data and I got feedback and I moved forward.

If you're not doing that and you're just posting a bunch of content or fixing your website or trying to build some [00:22:00] random funnel or going into marketing classes or, or some other. thing that you're learning or the next conference or the next conference or the next class, hoping that somebody will say the right thing and you will, this will stick to you.

And if you're a coach listening to this, this is probably like you need the right action steps consistently over the long period of time. So that's why we're talking about long term commitment. But initially, if you're doing this for like, if you're starting this out or you're in the beginning stages, you need to dedicate that time.

And if you haven't invested in your business, you need to do that. And we're one of the communities that you can invest in. And if you haven't booked a call with us, definitely look for the link here and join our community. We have so much that we're offering coaches and we all wish that we had a community like this in the beginning, because all of us struggled in the first couple of years because we did not have that feedback process.

We were focused on so many weird things that had nothing to do with building the business and get connecting with clients. And we struggled because we never had a [00:23:00] feedback process.


So you make me think about, can I just, sir, can I just share what came to me as he said that, because I realized the way that I was making commitments in my life, I would start out with.

Potential and decision. I thought that was what commitment was. I could do this thing. It could make this money. It could do this benefit in my life and I need to make a choice. I'm gonna start dating it or whatever, whatever that choice is. But what I didn't factor in was the more important stuff is what does that commitment look like?

Commitment actually is not just this. It's also the time, the long term commitment that you're making to this thing or whatever the right appropriate level of time, the work that you have to put in, the consistency you're gonna need over that long period of time, the support that you need to plan for and get.

And the actions that you're taking make sure as far as outside the relevance and like without any of these ingredients. That's not a real commitment. That's just a potential decision. That's like what you feel in a moment. You go to an event and you buy a thing. Then you got like the first part of commitment.

You [00:24:00] have to see the capital C. You need the omit . You know, omi, that's what you're doing. You're just doing omit. If you don't do this part, it's just omitting. You're just omitting the things that are part of commitment, like you need to include them. Like without this is, is it, is there really evidence of commitment?

So I'd ask everybody watching, how much did you plan for these things when you made the choice to become a coach and it's not too late. You can still do that. You can still think about how much time, how much work, how much consistency are you, are you gonna demonstrate? What action are you gonna take and what support?

This is somewhere where we can really help you. In our community. This is like the element that was always missing in a lot of the decisions I made, and I can see that I wasn't really committed because I didn't. If you're really committed, you'd be planning ahead for these things, and then once you made the decision, you'd be actively making sure these happen every day.

You'd be tracking it somehow. You'd be working.

I love this. And those who are watching it on video, but if you're not the support, the action consistency, and those are like the, like time support, like we laid out for our clients there and we help them on [00:25:00] one. We keep them accountable. We're letting them know, Hey, you need to do actually the work on our live calls.

We're keeping them accountable on our, in our WhatsApp groups. They understand what the right actions to do are. I can't tell you how many seconds. Coaches coming is like, well, I've been trying all this stuff for so long for two years, three years. And then as soon as they come in, they get focused on the right actions.

They're not increasing the number of hours because you can spend 20 hours on completely irrelevant things every week to do, but it's not moving your business forward. But as soon as you get focused on the right actions and they're usually uncomfortable, then you need to support structure for that. You, you feel discouraged when you do stuff like that, such as.

prospecting and reaching out to people and and are launching something that you're doing like a webinar and you're not getting the right data how to make sense of it. If you don't have that you will get overwhelmed you go in your head. Right before this I had a call with an investor who was doing capital raising and I asked him just he was about to give up on a deal that he was going to lose like close to 80k.

70 80k and [00:26:00] asked him like well Can you tell me a little bit about this deal and my expertise is not real estate investing But I understand how these things work and I've talked enough investors to understand what's happening And I just asked him just a few questions. Like what did you do? He was talking to a lot of people around it.

He had no system whatsoever he's like i'm like how many times have you followed up with these investors? Like you know what I started reaching out to him, but I but I get overwhelmed because there are so many people i'm like Where is your system? Doesn't have any kind of crm system. He doesn't have any kind of outreach I'm, like, what are you keeping up with your investor base before he's like, no, I just started reaching out to them Like have you connected with some people that give you feedback on this deal and how to approach it differently?

No, like like key areas and ask them like Is this a long term thing for you or a short term thing for you? And when he said long term, like, so what would you need to do to look at it? Like that, how would you approach it? If you looked at, and he started laying out, laying it out himself. He's like, I need to find out, find a mentor who will help me in this area.

I need to [00:27:00] go find the right system. That's going to help me with this. I need to go get feedback, some peers that would give me feedback on a deal like this and not get in my own head. The same process. And he was excited about it. He's like, okay, I didn't. Think about this for the whole

year. I love that.

So some of you, to kind of wrap up our conversation today, some of you are at the beginning of your coaching journey and you haven't put your, the pedal to the metal like, like in a car, you haven't put the gas all the way down and fully committed on what you're doing. And you're struggling to get. To get movement and momentum.

Some of you, though, are have put a ton of a ton of all of these things in, but you're finding your commitment is waning because you don't have all of the rest of the things in place. And if you are not seeing the results of your efforts. I that is [00:28:00] going to impact your level of commitment over time. And sometimes it's you're doing the wrong things.

And as Faisal said, that's what we see a lot is people do are doing the wrong things. And so if you've been in for a while, you've had some clients and you've had some successes, but you're like, What the heck is happening? Why? Why am I not growing like I thought it was going to be? If you stay in that space, your commitment is decreasing.

And that is where the Coaching Mastery community can come in and support you with helping you understand the right things to be doing, the right systems to be building, and to reinforce. The structure and support that you're wanting to build. So that's another way to think about your commitment. You may feel emotionally committed right now, but it's going to, it's going to go down if you're not seeing the results at some point.

So we would love to be able to support you and getting those results, making sure that the energy and [00:29:00] action is put in the right place.

Sheri, I want to clarify like something that you said, but didn't actively explicitly say. When you have a commitment, you're also committed to maintaining that commitment.

So you need to invest in things that sustain your commitment, right? The reinforcement that Sheri's talking about. It's like that commitment. It's not only just about having the commitment at the beginning, it's about feeding that commitment and growing that commitment like a plant. You can't

be like a date night and going to marital counseling.

Exactly. Exactly. That like your commitment needs to be sustained. And how do you sustain it? You get the things that we talked about, like that reinforcement, that support and community, like those are like, otherwise your commitment will decrease. I love that. Sheri, that's a really good point.


we end this one big caveat is a lot of coaches jump in and I've done a video around this, but they jump into like these high level marketing programs and business programs that will not help you need to be around other coaches who are actively doing this.

You don't have to join our community, but. Find an ecosystem. We don't think there are communities like ours, but find an ecosystem that [00:30:00] gives you feedback on your coaching process and your business process and your sales process and keeps you accountable and supporting you one on one and group. You will not find that.

So that's why we have that ecosystem in place. So we can support you hold your hand to take it to the other side, because it's very hard to do that process. And, definitely, if you know a coach that's going through this challenge, share this video as well with them and like this video and share your thoughts with us.

How committed are you and how do you know you're doing the right actions? When did you realize you were committed committed committed? If you did realize it, or what are your insights that you're hearing from us, we'd love to hear from you until our next conversation. Hope you all have an incredible week.

Bye. Bye.

You're listening to the coaches journey podcast.